Healthy Spinach Chapati

8 ounces baby spinach
2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons Vegitable oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup water
3 tablespoon ghee
5 cups all-purpose flour, or as needed
More vegetable old to get your chapati

Blunch the spinach, drain the water once is completely cool.

Combine spinach, eggs, vegitable oil, and salt in a food processor; blend until smooth.

Add water and then add flour, blend until dough no longer sticks to the blades, adding flour as need.

Put the dough in a bowl, rub the vegetable oil on top and cover it with a clean warm kitchen town for 30 minutes.

Cut the dough into small balls and put them in a big tray or baking sheets. Rub oil on each again before you cover them again with a kitchen towel for 15 minutes. 

Take one ball and roll it into a  6 inch circle or more and drizzle ghee then flour on top. Cut with a knife little stripes like the thin spaghetti. Gather all the thin stripes and roll them around like a cinnamon bun. Put on a tray. Rub oil on it and cover with a kitchen towel again.  

Repeat this step in all the balls.

Let them rest again for 15 minutes. 

Put a heavy skillet on a low/medium heat. 

Take one ball andput on a kitchen board drizzled with flour and roll a nice circle (depends on your skillet size). 
Put the Chapati on a hot skillet. 

Move it around with your hand for 2/3 minutes or until it rises. Flip around. Drizzle vegitable oil or if you are using ghee to fry your Chapati then rub around and flip on another side and do the same thing.

Once is a little brown on both sides put in a plate and cover it with a pot cover. 

Repeat this step until all the balls are done. Or you can put your Baal in a plastic bag and freze them up to a month.

Thaw them for 30 to 1 hour before you roll them on a dry kitchen board drizzled with flour. 

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